
Worcestershire v Warwickshire - LV County Championship


Slips and Close in Catching are highly specialized positions. Mainly because the ball takes very less time to reach the fielder. There are Certain qualities required to be a good close-in fielder.

Catches win matches and the majority are taken in attacking field positions close to the bat such as the slips or in the gully.In these areas your reactions will be tested to the maximum.Like batting or bowling, close catching is a skill you’ll develop the more you practise.

In these areas your reactions will be tested to the maximum.
Like batting or bowling, close catching is a skill you’ll develop the more you practise


Stand with your feet wider than shoulder width apart and with knees bent.

The palms of the hands should be together, with fingers spread and pointing down.


Arms and hands should be in front of the body with the head still and the eyes level.

Watch the ball into the softest part of relaxed hands and wrap fingers around the ball, drawing the hands towards the body.

Catching Skills

Catching requires five basic skills: Excellent reflexes to get the ball, good hand-eye coordination, anticipation and alertness to react to the ball quickly, and a still head to keep the technique together.

As the ball comes toward you, try to use two hands, keep still and keep your eye on the ball. Point your fingers away from your body to create a large surface area by spreading your fingers wide. When the ball enters your hands, try to cushion the ball by moving your hands back toward you. This “give,” as Woolmer calls it, will reduce the chances of the ball bouncing back out of your hands.